Thursday, March 17, 2005
Today in my bible study Jeff (Lucas) was talking about how we have managed to make God boring and unappealing. . . . And He's right!How have we managed to make a cool guy boring?!
If you asked Joe Public on the street what their thoughts on church were, the reply would be "old, stuffy or boring".
Whats going on?!
Jesus was this guy who walked the earth giving people hope and performing many miracles. Some of these included; water to wine, healing the sick and DEAD!!! Not only did he do all this he also annoyed pharisees and sadusees (the were sad-you-see!) by doing this on a sabbath (no!) AND hanging around with ruffian fishermen, dodgy taxmen and a known prostitute!
If we are not astonished by Jesus, then we are following something other than the person described in the bible.